Engaging People, Powering Companies - The Leadership Podcast

Episode 31: Overcoming Struggles to Follow Your Dreams

Episode Summary

We've had some amazing guests on our podcast, from global CEOs, pioneers in Women in Leadership, fantastic authors, to amazing scientists who have enlightened the world with their ground-breaking research - extraordinary people doing extraordinary things. But we don't often get to hear about the ordinary people. What struggles do ordinary people go through trying to do extraordinary work? In this podcast, Amrit's guest Nazia Sarkar, shares her own journey of following her dreams - the highs and lows and the achievements whilst battling her own demons of imposter syndrome - something all of us will relate to.

Episode Notes

Nazia Sarkar

Nazia is the founder of Kadou Learning and mastermind behind the MentorYou (MU) app. She enjoys developing people and teams. She believes in empowering people with the skills and tools to make them successful in their personal and professional lives. She is an experienced Learning & Development professional, with a background in education, hospitality and retail sales sectors.